30th Annual TRSA Scientific Meeting
February 7th, 2020 – 8 AM to 5 PM
Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Health Professions Education Building (HPEB)
8447 Hwy 47, Bryan, TX 77807
Poster Presentation Schedule - Poster Boards are 72" (width) x 48" (height)
Travel Stipends:
A limited number of travel awards will be given to individuals who are the presenting author of a poster or giving an oral presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting. Awards are funded by a National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) R13 grant. The aim of these awards is to promote career training and development opportunities for emerging scientists by providing them a platform to present their research work; and to network with peers and senior scientists at the annual TRSA meeting.
Registration Rates (Opens January 2nd):
Student - $20 member / $30 non-member
Postdoctoral Fellow - $40 member / $50 non-member
Faculty, Other Professionals, Community Members - $50 member / $60 non-members
$10 late fee for registrations received after January 24th, 2020
Refreshments and lunch are provided
Onsite registration is strongly discouraged
Nearby Hotels:
The Stella Hotel (4 min drive) - https://www.thestellahotel.com/
Texas A&M Hotel & Convention Center (13 min drive) - https://www.texasamhotelcc.com/
The George (13 min drive) - https://www.thegeorgetexas.com/